Sunday, August 31, 2008

Miss Kit

Brian took this photo of sweet Miss Kit. I miss you Kit!

The trip to Japan is going well. SJC to LAX to NRT. Got through customs in record time, exchanged money, ran downstairs to the JR ticket counter and got a great deal on the airport express train along with a Suica card.

Each time I try to take a different combination of trains to the hotel, as I love trains. This time I took the Narita airport express to Yokohama then transferred to a local train. It was perhaps the best combination so far, and also the cheapest as there is a special promotion. The ticket agent understood my plan, commented on what a great deal it is, and as she handed everything to me said, "Your train leaves in 3 minutes." Yikes! I dashed down another set of stairs and onto the correct platform, found which car I was going to be in, and got in line just as the train pulled up, no problem. Whew!

They like to tease me about a couple things in the office here:
1) I'm probably the only person to ask the hotel staff for a room overlooking the bullet train tracks so I can hear them go "whooosh!" throughout the night.
2) I'm one of only a few crazy people to get up really early, travel all the way across Tokyo to the fish market... just to have sushi for breakfast before work. (None of them have ever done it, or even seriously considered doing it.)
3. I support the local baseball team (Yokohama Bay Stars) as I consider this my home away from home of sorts. They're in last place yet again.

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