Saturday, July 31, 2010


We met Brian, Maria and Megan at Sushi-o-Sushi last night for dinner.

Afterwards we visited Petco. Kit has never been to a pet shop.

What fools we have been for buying memberships to the zoo and aquarium. All we needed to do was visit Petco!!!

I could create "membership cards" to flash the Petco employees as we enter. For all Kit knows we're at the Monterey Bay aquarium. When she starts talking about the mice and rats people may wonder but we'll just say they must have missed that special exhibit. IF ONLY PETCO HAD OTTERS!!!

On the way home she asked if she could buy a mouse. The one she became fond of is so cute. A sweet little mouse that would fit in the palm of her hand. S/he is all light brown with cute ears. Seemed more active than the others too.

Kit said she'd play with it. And mice clean themselves for she saw it washing its face. And daddy could clean its house so it wouldn't stink.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Dream has been really good about trying new things. I made scalloped potatoes last night. Dream watched as I prepared it. "Just potatoes, cheese and milk?" she asked.

She tasted each of the three Swiss cheese varieties I used. She didn't particularly like any of them. In fact, she had a very difficult time distinguishing any meaningful difference in the cheeses. Perhaps that is because she took tiny nibbles.

Then she tried the finished product. "It's OK," she commented.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Today we used Craig's List to locate two desks, one for Dream and one for my "office" or shall we say "retreat" or possibly even "man cave."

Dream's desk is a very nice Ethan Allen student desk. Originally asking $120 we got it at the bargain price of $80, including the matching chair.

My desk is simple and fits perfectly into the allocated space. Originally asking $75 we got it for $60. The only free chair in the house is PINK!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Kit wanted to take Dream to the park to show her the slides.

Kit loves the slides.

Then Kit had another brilliant idea. Let's take Dream to Jamba Juice.

Dream and Kit helped me make pasta for dinner. Dream went for seconds!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Settling In

Dream unpacked her stuff and connected her laptop to our wireless network. Kit showed Dream around the house. Silly Kit teased Dream saying Dream should camp in the backyard.

Kit was happy to have many of her favorite foods once again. She ate Cheerios, cheese, dried cranberries, peanuts, strawberries, sausage, rice-a-roni and broccoli. She even had a popsicle.

Kit was very active in finding her toys. While she was away I donated several items that she has outgrown. So far she hasn't missed them.

I baked wild salmon for their first home meal. This morning I baked some wonderful croisants before heading to work. They should discover them when they come downstairs.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Both flights departed Bangkok on schedule for Tuk/Kit and Dream. Tuk and Kit are heading to Hong Kong while Dream goes via Japan. They're on their way!

Update #1: Tuk and Kit just landed in Hong Kong. Dream is still enroute to Tokyo.

I just realized that Tuk and Kit are scheduled to depart Hong Kong at the exact time Dream is scheduled to land in Japan.

2:05 PM Hong Kong time is 3:05 PM Japan time.

Update #2: They just announced that Tuk and Kit's flight is delayed by an hour. Dream has landed in Japan. Seems that Dream and I will have an hour to chat while we await Tuk and Kit's arrival.

Update #3: They're getting closer. Dream's flight is on schedule. Tuk and Kit's flight is making up time and will be only 30 minutes late.

Update #4: They're here!!!

Dream travelled with her friend Nat. Somehow they cleared customs then made a wrong turn. The two travelled around long corridors in the airport without exiting to the public section. They eventually found their way back.

Tuk and Kit arrived soon afterwards. We went to Chef Chu's for lunch then stopped at Whole Foods and Safeway to pick up some food on the way home. Now they're getting settled in.


I have not collected stamps for many years yet I still browse the release schedules. I've been waiting since 2009 for the Calvin and Hobbes stamp. Yesterday I received a first day cover in the mail. So nice.

Will Bill the Cat ever be a stamp?

When Kit is a bit older we can do some stamp collecting together.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Bookshelf and Sleeping Bag

I got a few things for Miss Kit. I think she will enjoy this bookshelf. It's the children's library style where the books face forward. Now she can easily find the one she wants.

REI had a sale on the North Face Tigger sleeping bag. A great 3-season (20F / -7C) bag for children. No elastic or cords, 5 feet long and only 2 pounds. Something she can use for many years, even backpacking. Especially backpacking!

Will not be lonely for much longer...

Tuk and Kit return this Wednesday. And a nice surprise: Dream is arriving Wednesday as well. California schools are starting two weeks earlier than in prior years. Dream will be travelling with Nat, another YFU Thai student who will be living in San Jose. Tuk, Kit and Dream are scheduled to arrive at SFO within 30 minutes of each other.

It is really nice that Dream can arrive early. She'll have 3 weeks to adjust to the time change and settle in before school starts.

Kit is looking forward to returning home but she also knows she is going to miss everyone there. It's hard for her to understand why she can't just go back and forth each week. Kit is a great little traveller.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


It has become a tradition that each time Tuk travels to Thailand I create a cheese plate for myself.
This year's cheese plate proved difficult to photograph. I offer two equally poor photos.

I suppose there is some debate over the placement of the starting point for a cheese tasting. The common starting location for cheese tastings seems to be at the 12:00 position and move clockwise. However, most food tastings start at the 6:00 position. I prefer the 6:00 placement order myself. Place the first cheese close to you then go on an adventure out and back again.

You can pick as many cheeses as you like for your tasting. Consider a theme. Could all come from a particular country or region, like all Italian. Could try pairing them to a particular wine or food. Consider complementary (as I did for this tasting) or contrasting as a theme. All goat, all sheep or all cow are other options. They could even all be one type of cheese, say an all cheddar tasting.

The order of each cheese is up to you. The general idea is to have progressively more complicated (or stronger in general) cheeses towards the end of the tasting. You start with the first then move on to the next when you're ready. You can jump back and forth all you like comparing one to another. Don't rush as you slowly add in another cheese to the mix. As you add more cheeses you pick up on the simmilarities and differences among the cheeses. Consider the taste, color, smell and texture of each.

Starting at 6:00 (well, 7:30 in this case) and going clockwise the cheeses I picked are:

1) Bellwether farms Carmody is a local Sonoma cheese that is firm with a buttery taste.

2) Cowgirl Creamery St Pats Organic is another local cheese. I look forward to this seasonal cheese each year. Wrapped in nettles it has a simple yet distinct fresh taste I like.

3) A Dutch triple cream gouda that turned out to be quite mild. Moving it to 2nd position made it more interesting. An aged gouda would have worked better for 3rd position. Anyway, the sweet smell of gouda reminds me of the red waxed gouda balls we had as a child. When people say cheese stinks I always question that idea in my mind as my first impression of cheese was the nice smell of gouda.

4) Bonifaz Bavarian blue is surprisingly creamy and mild. Not too salty. Very much a ripe cheesy cheese yet not over powering. Goes well with the other mild cheeses I picked.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Those Dirty Rats

With Tuk and Kit away I end up playing EverQuest 2. One of my 7 characters, a rat named Jindi Blue, created the guild Those Dirty Rats.

Takes a group of players to form a guild. Pecorino, Jindi Blue, Ricotta, Cheddar and Havarti at the guild registrar.

I mainly play the evil alignment on the Nagafen (PvP) server. Let me know if you want a referral for a free 14-day trial, hehe.

"... evil will always triumph because good is dumb." - Lord Dark Helmet (Space Balls)