Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Kit enjoys jokes.

Q: Why is 6 afraid of 7?
A: Because 7 8 9.

Q: What do you call a penguin in the desert?
A: Lost!

Q: Why is the ocean so friendly?
A: Because it has big waves.

Q: What goes up when the rain comes down?
A: An umbrella.

Q: What comes after a monkey?
A: Its tail.

Q: How does a witch tell time?
A: With a witch watch.

Did you take a bath? Yes.
Where did you put it?

Q: How do you put an elephant in a refrigerator?
A: Open the door, put in the elephant, close the door.

Q: What is white on the outside, green on the inside and hops?
A: A frog sandwich!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Birthday Cake

Kit helped bake a chocolate cake and make chocolate frosting for my birthday.
She loves to eat the frosting.

She did an excellent job frosting the cake.

It was her idea to add flowers.

She placed them carefully on the cake.

On the back too.

She reviewed her work and declared it ready to eat.

Several of our flowers are blooming now.

We enjoy making nut slides. It is fun to guess which route they will take.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thai-Mexican Fusion

Tuk created this delicious Thai-Mexican fusion dish containing advocado.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Introducing Dream

We are hosting Dream next year. She is from northeast Thailand and is 15 years old.

We chat with Dream every day. Kit is looking forward to having a big sister.

Hiking Rancho San Antonio with Sophia

We went hiking at Rancho San Antonio and the open space preserve this weekend. Kit and Sophia hiked 4 miles. They are excellent hikers. They both enjoy "reading" the signs. It was a very lovely day. Mommy cow and her two young ones at Deer Hollow Farm. Rooster Girls in front of the hen house. There were also goats, sheep, rabbits, ducks and pigs. The baby pigs were adorable! Carrying sticks and pointing things out to eachother on the trail. Holding hands with mommy. Can see the buildings in downtown San Francisco and the bay bridge. Kit thought this was pretty silly. She isn't protesting, just playing. Enjoyed a picnic at the top of the mountain. Posing for a photo with a lovely view. Then the two started singing and dancing together. Climbing trees is fun. Holding hands with dad.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

School, Art and Souffle

We had our first parent-teacher conference for Kit. Although Kit is among the youngest in her class this year, she is doing very well. She has settled in and is very comfortable. She takes direction and is vocal. Lately, she has been seeking to make friends as well.

I learned some games we can play to help her learn to construct and read small words. We started adding this topic to our dinner routine.

Kit's art work is very nice. She is gaining motor control and puts in more thought as to what it is she wants to do.

Tuk loves the elephant.

I love her porcupine and how her head is looking down. Kit says she wears boots too.

This one is Kit's favorite. She likes abstract shapes.

Kit also made a collage.

After the meeting we joined Brian and Ken at a Persian restaurant for lunch. Brian took this photo of Kit on his phone.

Kit traced the letter m.

And made it through her very first maze!

We made these yummy grand marnier souffles while grandma was here.

Kit helped put away the dishes. She enjoys this job and it is very helpful.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Point Lobos

We met Bora and Sophia at Point Lobos on Saturday. The weather was fantastic.

We found some seals enjoying the warm sun.

Grandma loves Point Lobos.

The wildflowers are just starting to bloom.

These delicate pink flowers are very nice.

Sophia and Kit look forward to their Saturday hikes.

Finding interesting rocks and shells among the gravel.

The girls enjoyed watching the hermit crabs.

Sharing the items they find.

Some of the rocks and shells the girls found.

Kit helps her grandma sketch some images of the beach.

An otter came into the cove.

We had a very nice time at the beach.


Kit loves her swimming class and it was a treat to have grandma watch her.

She can swim on her own using the barbell.

Barbell, fins and googles!

She is no longer afraid to put her face under the water.

But jumping in is the most fun!