Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Kit enjoys jokes.

Q: Why is 6 afraid of 7?
A: Because 7 8 9.

Q: What do you call a penguin in the desert?
A: Lost!

Q: Why is the ocean so friendly?
A: Because it has big waves.

Q: What goes up when the rain comes down?
A: An umbrella.

Q: What comes after a monkey?
A: Its tail.

Q: How does a witch tell time?
A: With a witch watch.

Did you take a bath? Yes.
Where did you put it?

Q: How do you put an elephant in a refrigerator?
A: Open the door, put in the elephant, close the door.

Q: What is white on the outside, green on the inside and hops?
A: A frog sandwich!

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