Saturday, May 31, 2008

Vasona Park

Today was "Mommy's Day Off" so Kit and I went on a picnic together at Vasona Park in Los Gatos. We stopped at Whole Foods to get some strawberries, cheese and bread to share. We selected a nice Leerdammer (Baby Swiss) and Roomkaas (Gouda) cheese, but Kit wasn't very interested in either of them. She was much more interested in the jar of organic apples & mango baby food she selected, yum!

Did I forget to mention there is a train?

Kit was quite interested in the train.

We watched them turn the engine around on the round table then refill it with fuel and water.

Then Kit picked out a nice seat.

She loved the ride. She enjoyed waving at people and at the train.

While waiting in line we sang:
Clickety-clack, clickety-clack, clickety-clack, clickety-clack
Little red caboose, chug-chug-chug
Little red caboose, chug-chug-chug
Little red caboose behind the train, train, train
Smokestack on its back, back, back, back

Chugging down the track, track, track, track
Little red caboose behind the train.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Silly Kit

All of these expressions in one brief photo shoot!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Kit had her first swim class today. Of course she cried at first but she did quite well with kicking and putting her face underwater. Here she is "swimming" in Misun's vest.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Kit enjoys sitting on the Thai silk pillow I bought last year in Thailand. I have been wanting one for years and finally got around to buying one. Now Kit uses it much more than I do. It is the perfect height for her to sit on!
Today we drove up to Folsom, CA since we've never really been there. It was a very nice drive and Folsom turned out to be a lot nicer than we expected. We had lunch in the old town (Sutter Street) along the American River at Hop Sing Palace (Chinese restaurant). The service was fantastic yet the food was only OK by our standards.
There were very few for sale signs in the neighborhoods we drove through, which is a good sign. Tons of trails, parks and water activities. Quite nice.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Tuk and Misun had fun playing with Kit's hair.

Due to the cloudy weather we ended up going to the shopping mall instead of driving up to Folsom. Kit was stuck to Misun today. She didn't want anyone else.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Lunch at Andy's BBQ

Last night we took Kit to the open house for the neighborhood school. It was nice to look at the classrooms and meet the different teachers. Just 4 more years until Kit is ready for school.

Today Kit joined me for lunch with Brian and Ken. Here she is confronting her first babyback rib.

Kit toured much of the Lowe's store with Brian. She has finally accepted Ken too. She allowed him to carry her back to the car.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


1-trike, originally uploaded by danglewis.

Kit enjoys playing outside with the other kids. She enjoys borrowing their vehicles.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


1=kit blocks, originally uploaded by danglewis.

Reposting this recent photo on the new blog. Kit loves playing with her blocks.

Kit is now signed up for the following four courses:

With Mom: Swimming, Music Lab and Body Movement
With Dad: Tiny Tots Gymnastics

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Milk carton

1-milk, originally uploaded by danglewis.

Today she is going to sign up for three programs: swimming and two types of music / dancing / movement classes.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Peninsula Creamery Bakery

1-cookie, originally uploaded by danglewis.

Kit enjoyed spending the morning with Granddad, Michelle, Jeff and Cassie. After lunch we stopped in for a cookie. In the afternoon Kit went to the Thai temple to apply for a Thai birth certificate, which will officially make her Thai.