Saturday, May 31, 2008

Vasona Park

Today was "Mommy's Day Off" so Kit and I went on a picnic together at Vasona Park in Los Gatos. We stopped at Whole Foods to get some strawberries, cheese and bread to share. We selected a nice Leerdammer (Baby Swiss) and Roomkaas (Gouda) cheese, but Kit wasn't very interested in either of them. She was much more interested in the jar of organic apples & mango baby food she selected, yum!

Did I forget to mention there is a train?

Kit was quite interested in the train.

We watched them turn the engine around on the round table then refill it with fuel and water.

Then Kit picked out a nice seat.

She loved the ride. She enjoyed waving at people and at the train.

While waiting in line we sang:
Clickety-clack, clickety-clack, clickety-clack, clickety-clack
Little red caboose, chug-chug-chug
Little red caboose, chug-chug-chug
Little red caboose behind the train, train, train
Smokestack on its back, back, back, back

Chugging down the track, track, track, track
Little red caboose behind the train.

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