Afterwards we visited Petco. Kit has never been to a pet shop.
What fools we have been for buying memberships to the zoo and aquarium. All we needed to do was visit Petco!!!
I could create "membership cards" to flash the Petco employees as we enter. For all Kit knows we're at the Monterey Bay aquarium. When she starts talking about the mice and rats people may wonder but we'll just say they must have missed that special exhibit. IF ONLY PETCO HAD OTTERS!!!
On the way home she asked if she could buy a mouse. The one she became fond of is so cute. A sweet little mouse that would fit in the palm of her hand. S/he is all light brown with cute ears. Seemed more active than the others too.
Kit said she'd play with it. And mice clean themselves for she saw it washing its face. And daddy could clean its house so it wouldn't stink.
Did you say yes???
Tuk very clearly stated, "No." Perhaps when Kit is a bit older.
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