First school we visited was
Joseph Phichit school, a Christian school. It was pink shirt day, a good sign for Kit. They're off to buy a snack.

Kit went along. They promote independence by having the kids purchase their own snack. Kit bought Oreo cookies.

Afterwards, she simply joined the class. She didn't look back for us at all.

The kids brushed their teeth.
Kit has adopted this school so no need for us to visit the other ones. She will attend for 5 weeks learning Thai customs and language.

The next session was sports day.

Here she is in her sports uniform. She loves her dress shoes.
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are shirt and skirt days. Wednesday is traditional shirt day, which is pink for her class. Friday is sports day.

Morning assembly. The children primarily learn to be polite, respectful, play together and be independent.

The teachers had fun braiding Kit's hair.
Kit refused to nap at school so we picked her up and took her to lunch.

The pad thai lady is 84 years old! She makes every order of pad thai. Her daughters make the other dishes.

Delicious country-style pad thai.

Kit is very creative and silly. Here is her example on how to take a Thai greeting to the extreme.
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