Kit: "Happy Father's Day, Daddy!"
She thought for a moment and added, "It is not Kit's Day."
Dad: "Thank you, Kit. That is very sweet."
Kit: "Happy Father's Day and Kit's Day too."
Dad: "Yes, that sounds even better."

We went to Dim Sum for breakfast. Kit enjoys playing on the cars at the mall.

She took this photo of me using my camera. We discussed how she needs her own camera.

We had gelato in Palo Alto and talked about Grandma and Terry arriving later this afternoon.

Kit gave me this lovely painting she made.

She helped pit the cherries.

Which turned into a cherry pie...

And cherry ice cream.

Kit is so excited about her Grandma and cousin Terry arriving.
Kit has been running around playing with Terry and talking with Grandma.

Pop sent Kit a Hello Kitty camera. She is very proud to have her own camera.
Here are some of the photos using her camera:

Kit took this one of Terry.
The camera comes with photo editing software, so we can embellish the photos. Terry will love it!

A nice photo with Grandma.

And I took one of Kit using her camera.
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