I love most Japanese food yet breakfast in Japan is barely tolerable. It used to be terrible but I've been coming here for so long (since 1994?) that it has slowly become tolerable.

My skillful and insightful selections from the hotel's buffet include bland cabbage with bean sprouts, a mystery ham-like meat, burnt toast with jam, a slightly sweet roll, pickles and generic orange juice. I am very thankful for the orange juice.
When I used to stay in downtown Tokyo I would usually get McDonald's french fries for breakfast and eat at the company cafeteria for lunch so I could have more money to spend on dinner. I dreaded the times when a VP would request we meet for breakfast at my hotel. "Daniel-san, why are you not eating?"
The last two trips I brought my own muesli cereal from home. Those were the best breakfasts I've had in Japan. I was in such a rush this year that I forgot.

I went to the Ramen Museum for dinner again last night. My favorite packaged ramen (original Sapporo Ichiban) was created the year I was born.

Here at work they used to tease me for going to the Ramen Museum but now they are all hooked! They each have a six-month pass. I borrowed one to get in for free. In fact, they took me there for lunch today. That's 3 ramens so far!

I tried a new ramen flavor. It starts with a mild seafood base and thick noodles. They add a very spicy miso sauce plus pork, ginger and green onion. It is delicious.

Each ramen shop has its own vending machine for placing your order. I am still learning all of the options for my favorite shops. I can order a deluxe version, extra meat, pickled vegetables, side of gyoza (dumplings) and a beer now.
I stopped at a convenience store to purchase a ticket to tonight's baseball game: Yokohama Bay Stars vs. Yomiuri Giants.
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