Monday, February 2, 2009

Trains, Books and Lego Warriors

Kit enjoys playing with her BRIO train. Tonight she waved and said, "Hi Train. How are you?" as it approached. Then she said, "Bye train. Have a nice day!" as it went by her. At one point she reached her arm over the track as the train passed. She said she gave the train a hug.
This evening we built a set of Lego warriors. Kit was very proud of them. We set them out to surprise Tuk when she entered the room.

Before bed Kit and I always read at least one story. Lately, she has enjoyed a book called Green Eyes. It is about a cat that just turned two years old. It tells his story growing up on a farm, teaching about animals and the four seasons.
Kit likes the winter scenes. I think they remind her of Grandma's house.
Then it is off to bed.

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