Kit awaits her friends to arrive for trick-or-treats. She is a butterfly princess.

The play group came over for a potluck dinner.

Bryan, Sophia, Diane, baby Hana and Kit love getting together.

The girls pose for their photo.

Kit is baby Hana crazy. When Hana isn't here she pretends her doll, Emily, is baby Hana.

We all went trick-or-treating together. Kids were everywhere in a continious parade going from one house to another.

They blocked off a portion of some streets to accomodate people visiting the elaborately decorated houses.

The first stop was at Maria's house. She's a bumble bee.

Tuk dressed up for Halloween too. She was a lovely witch.

Whenever we go out Kit usually picks to go with auntie Bora. They have fun together.
Kit enjoyed handing out candy to the kids who arrived later in the evening.
Kit keeps asking when we can go trick or treat again.